Tuesday, 4 January 2011

Christmas Carol Service

Carol Service 2

They say that Christmas is a time of miracles. Well, yes, that could be so but it takes a lot of detailed organising and forward planning to ensure that we are in the right place at the right time to capture that miracle. The 2010 Christmas Carol Service was a marvel and there was a great coming together of Canadian and British traditions at the Crown Court Church of Scotland on December 6th. The hiccough came at the eleventh hour when the fabulous mezzo-soprano Leslie Davies was caught in Geneva airport by snowy winter conditions and could not be with us. Thanks to the internet, cell phones and Leslie's determination to help the Canadian community, miraculously Leslie found the outstanding singing talent of Vancouver born tenor, John Bacon. Two professionals saved the day. John opened the Service with our own Huron Carol and the service all ran smoothly from there on in. And, by the way, Leslie did arrive safely back in London a few days later. Watch their websites for future concerts and maybe we'll have another Christmas miracle next year at our annual Christmas Carol Service.

Carol Service 1

Many people complimented the sumptuous refreshment tables laid out for all after the service. These home made Canadian treats were the result of many people's baking talent and clever organising. Monique Ménard, Susan McKale, Lorna Brown and the others have to be commended.

Submitted by Lorna Brown

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