Thursday, 24 December 2009

Fashion in Motion with Erdem

With 2010 fast approaching it's a good time to catch up with a few events that didn't make it onto the blog.

On Friday December 11th, the V&A hosted its final Fashion in Motion of 2010, with designer Erdem Moragliou. Members of the CWC executive were thrilled to be there with our Honourary President, Donna Thomson (wearing an Erdem design) who had kindly arranged front row tickets for us.

There's a special link between Erdem and the CWC: Julia Montgomery, past Chair of the CCSF and Deborah Bowsher, past CWC President and then Secretary of the CCSF, were with us on the day and fondly remember interviewing him in the mid 1990s when he received financial assistance from the Canadian Centennial Scholarship Fund. Erdem was studying at the Royal College of Art at the time and so impressed the CCSF interview panel that he was awarded one of the highest values given that year.

Members can read more about Erdem in our Winter Bulletin! Although the completely amateur (and blurry!) photos taken at the V&A by our blog manager do not do justice to Erdem's beautiful designs, you can see some gorgeous professional photographs of the show by clicking here!

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