Jenny Tripp Black reporting from the Veterans' Support Committee
Valerie Berry receiving her Maple Leaf Pin
Special thanks to Phyllis Nickerson for her work at the CWC office
A presentation to Margaret for her work as President, from the Executive team
Teresa Howe, Vice-President
Teresa Howe and Christine Afolabi selling copies of our newly published history book. It celebrates the 75th anniversary of the CWC. You can order a copy of the history book by contacting the CWC office.
Costa Pilavachi, Trustee of the Maple Leaf Trust and Margaret Wickware, CWC President
CWC Members
Jenny Tripp Black and Mona Dahdaleh
These pictures are from our AGM, held in the Grand Salon at the Canadian High Commission, where copies of our history book - celebrating our 75th anniversary - were on sale.
The Agenda was as follows:
1. Welcome by CWC President, Margaret Wickware
2. Adoption of the minutes of June 14, 2007, Mona Dahdaleh
3. President's Report 2007/2008, Margaret Wickware
4. Honorary Treasurer's Report and Presentation of Audited Accounts for 2007/2008, Sheryl Boggs (in her absence given by Margaret Wickware)
5. Election of Independent Examiner
6. Honorary General Secretary's Report and Audited Accounts, Mona Dahdaleh
7. Standing Committee Reports for 2007/2008:
Maple Leaf Trust, Margaret Wickware
Veterans' Support Committee, Jenny Tripp Black
Canadian Centennial Scholarship Fund, Judy Wiesinger
8. Proposal for amendment to Rules and Constitution
9. Presentation of cheques to charities from funds raised by the Maple Leaf Trust during 2007/2008, Costa Pilavachi (Maple Leaf Trustee and 2008 Campaign Chair)
10. Maple Leaf Pin presentation, Margaret Wickware
11. Other business: Executive Slate for 2008/209
12. Adjourn Meeting
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